It can be pretty disappointing to discover that depression has quietly plagued your life before you even realized you had it. It’s even more disappointing to find out that all of the major treatment options also don’t actually help. While some people are lucky enough to find relief from the typical line of available prescription drugs—like Prozac, Wellbutrin, etc—there is still an overwhelming majority that they don’t seem to help. Obviously, this means that depression, as a whole, may be slightly more complicated than we originally envisioned 20-something years ago, and we shouldn’t continue to simply equate it with an imbalance of serotonin or norepinephrine.
Depression produces a wide array of symptoms that typically make it difficult to enjoy living and experiencing life without some type of persistent struggle. Once this goes on long enough, regular living can become too much, leading to treatment attempts and more.
According to one article, many patients with depression commonly reported these symptoms the most:
• Apathy or volatility
• Sadness & hopelessness
• Anxiety & restlessness
• Insomnia or hypersomnia
Clearly, these aren’t terribly unique symptoms and they aren’t indicative of a major biological disorder. Therefore, since they are only indirectly influenced by the surrounding biology and aren’t likely to ever disappear completely, an effective depression treatment should offer some kind of temporary release from these persistent symptoms despite not being to remove them permanently.
Fortunately, this is where the use of low dose IV ketamine has shown to be effective—especially when the typical antidepressants weren’t. According to a number of medical researchers and practitioners, the therapeutic value of these treatments likely comes from the mild dissociative effects it produces. In fact, these effects are what many patients have credited to helping relieve their symptoms of depression, PTSD, bi-polar disorder, and more.
Hopefully, as the research continues, the FDA will continue to approve more ketamine-based drugs for depression so that insurance companies will agree to cover the treatments and treatment is made even easier to receive.
Contact Evansville Ketamine Treatment Center
Thankfully, there are hundreds of clinics like ours around the country who offer their patients with affordable ketamine infusions for depression. If you or someone you love struggles with their mental wellness, give our clinic a call (812-250-8881) or simply complete the brief form below to learn about the other treatment options available besides SSRI’s and SNRI’s alone.
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